Joey Section

Joey Leaders are: Quenda, Kookaburra and Platypus.

Joeys are aged between 6 years and 8 years of age. When you join Joeys you’ll be part of a Mob. Bibra Lake Joey Mob meets on Tuesday evenings between 6:00-7:00pm and we also plan some weekend activities.

The Joey Scout motto is HOP – Help Other People! You’ll learn to jump in and HOP, and to share with your friends. The other participation badges are: Caring and Sharing, Environment, Adventure and Buddy Badge.

Joey Scout Shirt
Joey Scouts have lots of fun including craft, singing songs, campfire, walks/hikes, indoor rockclimbing, geocaching, Nerf wars, Clean Up Australia Day, community service, nature activities, learn first aid and fire safety and much more. Scouts is a youth led movement and the Joey’s are encouraged to assist the leaders with the ideas for the planning of activities and events through participation in Mob Councils.


Joey Scout Uniform Badge Placement

Scouts WA – Joey Section Information